Charting the RegTech Journey: Navigating Consolidation
RegTech, short for regulatory technology and often categorized as a subset of fintech, emerged in 2015. The RegTech industry was...
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Pet Wearables – Are Companies Barking Up the Right Technology?
As the human wearables market begins to mature, a lot of interest and developments are also happening in the pet...
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IRA: Are Patients Winning at the Cost of the US Pharma Sectoral Growth?
The market reaction to the US Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 is mostly mixed. It is expected to change the...
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The Rise and Fall of Cue Health: Market Lessons and Implications
Cue Health, the portable COVID-19 test maker, reached its zenith during the pandemic's peak, securing investments and contracts from both...
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Denmark – A Trailblazer in Digital Health Innovation
The COVID-19 pandemic has spurred the need to embrace new digital tools and technologies within the healthcare sector. There has...
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An Era of Innovation: Novel Drugs Redefining Multiple Sclerosis Treatment Paradigm
Since the approval of the first drug, interferon beta 1b (IFNβ-1b), in 1993, the treatment landscape of multiple sclerosis (MS)...
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FemTech: A Game-Changer in Women’s Healthcare
Women’s healthcare is one of the most neglected and understudied fields in the healthcare sector. Despite substantial advances in medical...
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Gut Matter: Will FMT Change How We Look at Disease Treatments?
Converting poop to pills was something unimaginable a few years ago, but now Fecal Microbiota Transplant (FMT) is taking the...
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Poop to Pills: Is FMT the Future of Veterinary Medicine?
Fecal Microbiota Transplant (FMT), the transfer of healthy gut bacteria from a donor to a recipient to treat a myriad...
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Time Is Ripe for the Adoption of Electric Heavy-Duty Trucks in Europe
As of 2023, 5,279 electric heavy-duty trucks (HDTs) were on the roads in Europe, representing merely 1.5% of total HDTs...
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