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Five Technology Trends to Reshape Retail in 2017


Today, retail and technology have become inseparable, driven by the need to digitalize services to offer convenience to shoppers and elevate their shopping experience. Retailers are slowly shifting focus towards being phygital, and to digitalization of in-store experience, supported by disruptive technologies (social, mobile, cloud, and analytics) continuously transforming the face of retail sector.

Besides enticing customers and creating a unique shopping experience, digital retail integration is increasingly simplifying supply chain management, payment systems, and tracking of inventory and sales data, among others. Some retailers are using technology to get insights into hard-to-capture customer behavior data, which is then used to take effective measures to improve sales.

Clearly, technology has become an indispensable means to empower the retail sector and will continue to do it in 2017 with innovations such as Internet of Things (IoT), smart mirrors, big data analytics, chatbots, robotics, etc., sweeping every possible domain of retail.

By the end of 2017, insights captured using big data analytics will be increasingly used by retailers to devise business strategies, which is likely to help them to stay abreast of retail trends. Big data analytics are expected to play a key role in predicting sales and trends, conducting consumer sentiment/behavior analysis, forecasting demand, achieving price optimization, and devising customized promotions.

Interactive mirror, a smart mirror that helps to virtually try-on clothes, is an interesting digital retail innovation, which is likely to gain more popularity in 2017. Interactive mirrors’ application can be customized according to the needs of individual retailers. For example, companies such as Ralph Lauren (a US-based retailer) are using these mirrors to show consumers how a particular outfit will look during different times of the day by changing the lighting of the fitting room along with providing suggestions on accessories, which are displayed on the mirror, to encourage more purchase. Companies such as Lululemon (a Canadian athletic apparel retailer) are using interactive mirrors to suggest places to exercise and provide information on healthy living. These mirrors are not only a means to attract shoppers by offering unrivaled shopping experience, but can also be used to gather consumer behavior data. With the help of interactive mirrors, Rebecca Minkoff (a US-based luxury retailer of handbags, accessories, footwear, and apparel) store was able learn that a leather jacket was tried on 70 times in a week but never purchased. Most shoppers asked for different sizes using the interactive mirror, indicating that there was a fit issue.

Chatbots, another invention to continue gaining traction throughout 2017, act like a virtual concierge service, guiding customers through the shopping process, providing detailed information on product and stock level, and allowing shoppers to place an order and track it in real time. Chatbots are also a great tool for retailers to get insights on shoppers’ tastes and preferences – for instance, all first-time shoppers on Sephora’s (a French cosmetics manufacturer) chatbot are required to take a short quiz that helps the bot know about personal preferences of a user – this information is used to recommend products. The bot also provides reviews on certain products.

In 2017, IoT is likely to become an integral technology for the retail sector to build smart stores. IoT’s significance is expected to grow in retail with about 70% of retailers in the USA ready to adopt the technology in 2017, according to a survey conducted by Zebra Technologies. IoT will be the key to interconnect in-store smart devices and sensors with Internet, which will enable better data-driven business decisions and ease of operation.

For the past couple of years, big box retailers such as Staples, Walgreens, Amazon, and Gap have been using robots for warehousing and logistics operations, but 2017 is expected to witness an increasing implementation of robotics for customer facing in-store operations as well. While use of robotics for distribution center operations will still hold importance, the launch of Amazon Go stores, Amazon’s robot-powered supermarkets, Lowe’s customer-assistance robots, etc., will increase foothold of robotics in front-end tasks such as customer assistance (we wrote about Amazon’s latest efforts to digitalize the grocery market it in our publication Amazon: Prepared to Digitalize Grocery Business in the USA? in April 2017). In the coming 5-10 years, robots can be expected to become an integral part of the complete retail value chain including both front-end and back-end operations.

Five Technology Trends

EOS Perspective

In the medium term, in-store shopping is not going to fade away due to competition from online retail, but instead it is likely to witness an upgrade with retailers enthusiastically integrating technology into physical stores. The key focus of all retailers in 2017 will be to enhance personalized customer interaction, offer innovative in-store experience that rivals the convenience of online shopping, and use the gathered insights on customer shopping patterns to conduct effective predictive analysis. To achieve these objectives, retailers are likely to use technologies such as big data, IoT, and robotics, and employ interesting innovations such as chatbots and smart mirrors to offer seamless services to attract customers as well as use these innovations to capture valuable insights on consumer behavior.

Over the years, technology has tremendously contributed to the success of retail sector – starting from browsing, point-of-sale, shipping, checkout, supply chain, to payments, and so much more. This will not change in 2017, as technology will continue to digitalize retail, with top retailers prioritizing technology to improve sales.

*key sector of operation for each retailer included in the infographic

  • General merchandise: Amazon, Tesco, Macy’s, Kohl’s, and Kroger
  • Footwear: Nike
  • Fashion (apparel, fragrance, cosmetics, sunglasses, handbags, shoes, etc.): Burberry, Rebecca Minkoff, Nordstrom, Sephora, Van Heusen, H&M, and Ralph Lauren
  • Electronics: Anker
  • Online retailer: eBay, Ocado
  • Food: Godiva
  • Home Improvement/appliance: Lowe’s
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China’s Digital Single Market – Internet of Things


Underpinned by immense government support, private investments, as well as the highest number of machine-to-machine (M2M) mobile connections globally, China has potential to get to the forefront of IoT (Internet of Things) development. While most countries are still beginning to understand the benefits of IoT, China already embraced the technology as early as 2010, when it built a national IoT center and aimed to create a market worth US$160 billion by 2020. IoT, with its promise of delivering continuous connectivity, is likely to usher an industrial revolution in China resulting in improved productivity, global competitiveness across industries, and higher economic growth.

IoT is helping China to build momentum and succeed in the digital age, fostering development across various industries by revitalizing manufacturing, boosting connectivity through smart cars and buildings, crafting a new consumer market for wearable devices, enhancing healthcare services, and stimulating energy efficiency.

China seeks to integrate various industries with IoT technology for economic gains and efficient management. Industries such as logistics, manufacturing, transportation, and utilities and resources, in particular, are likely to witness improved efficiency, lower costs, and better-managed infrastructure through real-time information provided by IoT technology.

China’s Digital Single Market – IoT - Revitalizing Growth


Chinese consumers are very open to adopting IoT technology, which results in growing penetration of smart devices. Smart home appliances, cars, meters, and retail devices are likely to witness tremendous success in China.

China’s Digital Single Market – IoT - Adoption


Industry dynamics are improving driven by launches of new smart devices by private companies, pivotal government support, and several digital drivers (including growing M2M connections as well as smart phone and Internet users). However, there a few factors such as security and infrastructure issues, fragmentation in the market, and lack of standardization that are slowing down IoT development.

China’s Digital Single Market – IoT - Promotors and Inhibitors


Despite IoT’s immense potential, several driving factors, and promises of economic gains across industries, a 2015 study conducted by Accenture revealed some deterring factors such as lack of specialized skills, low R&D investments, and substandard infrastructure, which may hold back IoT development in China.

China’s Digital Single Market – IoT - Readiness for Adoption

EOS Perspective

Undoubtedly, China is likely to witness unrivalled opportunities in terms of productivity improvements and economic development as IoT technology spreads across the country. Efforts made by the Chinese government are stimulating the IoT growth – ‘Made in China 2025’ initiative launched in 2015 aims to integrate production with Internet to deliver smart manufacturing and higher manufacturing value. Further, with the ‘Internet Plus’ strategy, China plans to integrate mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data, and IoT with manufacturing.

However, Chinese business leaders and policymakers cannot expect to reap benefits of IoT technology without the right enabling conditions. In order to ensure development, it is imperative for China to overcome the gap in technical skill set, infrastructure, as well as focus on promoting IoT investments. To address the shortage of critical skills, China needs to improve the number and quality of tertiary graduates in science and engineering fields. Beyond that, building a cross-industry ecosystem is also essential for IoT-led growth, which requires development of an integrated communication system along with cluster of secured networks for data transmission.

China’s IoT industry, still at a developing stage, has promising growth potential that could materialize only if the country takes all necessary measures to improve its infrastructure and technological platform, which will allow IoT to diffuse through its industries and completely transform them.
